Grandparent's Day 6th October 2017
We had a most enjoyable Grandparents' Day during National Positive Ageing Week. We were delighted to host such a large number of older relatives and friends as guests of the school for this occasion.
The children and Grandparents participated in a range of inter-generational activities including art, crafts, music, woodwork, board games, outdoor games and gardening.
The children treated their visitors to a musical performance, led by Music Generation's Karen Johnston and they roleplayed an emergency response situation and in so doing, demonstrated their C.P.R and first aid skills. The day's activities was followed by lunch, prepared and served by the local I.C.A and parents of the school. We are grateful to everyone who helped to make this day such a special occasion.
Enjoy this selection of photographs taken on the day. More photographs are available to view on the school's Facebook page.